
Jim Johnson is a Maryland native relocated to the Atlanta area, happily married to his wife Brenda. He is a proud U of Maryland alum (Go Terps!) and, along with Brenda, Associate Pastor at New Covenant Church of Atlanta, populated with some of the most wonderful and loving LGBT people on the planet!

What is the Safe House Movement?

What is the Safe House Movement?

While it is early to call it an actual movement (YET!) it is the idea that ALL people should be welcomed with equal standing in God’s church and in His world. All includes All sexual orientations and gender identities, All people of color or no “color”, people from All countries of origin with ALL immigration statuses, All women (no patriarchy), and all intersections of these groups, even including straight, white males like me. I am intensely studying the Bible and various media sources to understand how to best put this together, and I’m using this page to share it with you. I hope you find revelation and encouragement when you visit Safe House Movement!